FAQ - Frequently-asked questions

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Excessive moisture or a prolonged time of non-use may lead to the formation of rust on some unpainted internal parts of the product or inside the firebox.
This is a natural phenomenon that does not compromise the efficiency and durability of the product and should not be considered a defect. If it affects the internal deflectors such as the rear or side ones, in order to remove rust or any traces of oxidation, you only need to remove the items and clean them using fine sandpaper or a steel brush. After using sandpaper, it is important to use the appropriate spray paint resistant to high temperatures to protect the inner surfaces.

Scheduled maintenance operations must be carried out at least once a year and, in any case, before using the appliance again after a long period of inactivity. If you need to book an extraordinary maintenance visit, it is always preferable to contact the technicians at the end of winter or during the spring.

Scheduled maintenance must be carried out at least once a year and, in any case, before using the appliance again after a long period of inactivity.
Maintenance operations are required and necessary to ensure safety, the proper and effective operation of the appliance and its long-lasting operation.
If these operations are not carried out with the prescribed frequency, there may be malfunctions and/or physical decay and worsening performance.

The most economical method of cleaning the glass is to use the ash produced by combustion: you only need to moisten a paper towel and dip it in the ashes creating a thin layer; rub the paper on the glass until it completely removes all residues; rinse the glass and dry it with another paper towel or clean cloth.
With ammonia: fill a spray bottle with a solution of water and ammonia in equal parts. Spray the contents on the inside of the glass and leave for a few seconds, then clean with kitchen towel or a soft cloth.
With special detergents: just spray on the product and leave it for a few seconds (or a few minutes in the event of particularly stubborn build-up) and wipe with a dry cloth, taking care not to leave haloes.

This depends on the state of wear and tear; normally service centres verify the state of the seals when performing extraordinary maintenance, and replace them then, if necessary. In general terms, it is appropriate to replace the door sealing bead when it starts to deteriorate. A ruined seal does not ensure adequate sealing and leads to a greater influx of air into the combustion chamber. There are some signs that may lead you to think that a seal needs to be replaced, such as an increase in fuel consumption - wood or pellets - and a potentially irregular flame.

Remote control with window: open the window and press the SET and OPT buttons simultaneously (buttons 10 and 12); using the menu selection button (10) select one of the eight transmission units (0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7). When stoves are supplied from the factory, the default frequency setting is 0. Disconnect the power supply cable and within 5 seconds, press the ON/OFF button and kept it pressed for about 3-4 seconds. An audible “beep” sound signals that the frequency has been changed.
Remote control without window: press the OK and ON/OFF buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds; when the words MENU RADIO ID appear, press the down arrow and the word NUOVA (NEW) will appear. Press OK and then using the arrows, choose a new transmission unit. Disconnect the power cable for a few seconds and then reconnect it and conclude by pressing the OK button.

NB: If the problem persists when you use values between 0 and 31, try setting values above 32.